Sunday, February 26, 2012

Occupy our Food Supply -- #F27 (Feb 27)

Food has been incorporated and turned into big business. Occupiers have come to see that we must reclaim our food by demonstrating ways that production and supply can be localized, emphasizing fair practices and sustainability. We all need to eat, but we don't need to eat corporate sh#t.

On February 27, the worldwide Occupy Movement has called for a day of action, Occupy our Food Supply (twitter tag #F27). Occupy NL's food and camp supply committee will take part by hosting a vegan dinner at Harbourside Park (complete with entertainment) at 5pm.

What can you do? Think about the ways corporate food functions based on profit motive, rather than based on the health and well-being of consumers. Consider the food you buy (and where you purchase it) as a political decision. Most of all, get informed and join us! Below are some links to Occupy our Food Supply related sites:

Occupy our Food Supply Blogger

Occupy our Food Supply Facebook

Food Freedom post on #F27

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