Saturday, June 2, 2012

Black Out Speak Out June 4th Against Bill C-38

 Join local Newfoundland and Labrador environmental community organizations for a press conference to be held on Monday June 4 at Harbourside Park at 10 AM. It is part of the broader Black Out Speak Out campaign being organized across the country in opposition to the omnibus Bill C-38, (a 425-page bill being rushed through Parliament), which would weaken many of the country's most important environmental protection measures. Read more about specific reasons the bill is undemocratic and destructive on many fronts.

Concerned citizens at Harbourside Park June 4 for the press conference
organized by the Newfoundland and Labrador Environment Network.
 View the Top Five Reasons to Speak Out and download a top ten list (from the Black Out Speak Out website) for more info.


Anonymous said...

This movement needs real leaders with actual knowledge of internal affairs, economics, international relations, acquisition and resources and strategic planning. Not just posting things which are so damned far removed from reality and correlations that aren't really there.
It's embarrassing. If you can't achieve this you may as well go home.

occupier said...

@ anon above,

thank you for your comment. this is a leaderless movement, and so it is apt that you note the lack of leaders. your frustration with the complexity of the myriad issues facing society is echoed by the movement and it is apparent that cut and paste, sound-bite style information mediums are inadequate for authentic discussion. those kinds of discussions happen face to face. so come on out and talk to us... share your ideas and (obvious) energy. put the fuel in the tank, not in the fire.