From the 4 O'clock Whistle
Thirty five
people showed up to a fracking awareness seminar in Deer Lake on the 19th
of June at the Hodder Memorial Stadium. Entitled “Facts on Fracking” the
seminar presented a wide array of information on the history of the process and
what is known about its potential effects. As those present learned, while some
of the basic technology of fracking has been around for quite some time, slick
water horizontal hydraulic fracturing is a relatively new phenomenon.
For example
when companies assert that they have been conducting hydraulic fracturing since
the 1940’s they are referring to vertical
hydraulic fracturing. Horizontal slickwater
“fracking,” by contrast, can be traced back to as early as 2002. Since much of
the fracking fluid, which contains a complex mixture of chemicals (some of
which are known to be carcinogenic or to have other health effects) remains
underground after the process, the potential area affected by seepage into
aquifers and towards the surface is greatly increased during horizontal fracturing.
The fracturing could extend out as much as three kilometers, if not more,
horizontally from each drill site in multiple directions, and one key problem
is trying to control the fractures during the process. Several countries and
states currently have moratoriums on fracking awaiting more information, as
does the province of Quebec, and in many others there are growing demands for
the institution of moratoriums.
Chicken Little?