Monday, October 31, 2011
Sam Haines' Day
The GA is postponed tonight for festivities. If anyone is interested in continuing discussions online, please consider joining in with the Chat Room.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
'Tis the Season
The GA scheduled for tonight has been postponed due to weather conditions at Harbourside. Consequent to this and a decision of last night's impromptu assembly, the next GA will be at 8PM Tuesday, November 1st at Harbourside Park.
There is an impromptu meeting going on right now on the IRC channel. Click the link, pick a nickname, and join in.
via Twitter...
"We need donations at Harbourside Park: food, water, warm clothes, blankets, wool socks, sand for traction."
There is an impromptu meeting going on right now on the IRC channel. Click the link, pick a nickname, and join in.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Open Call for C-10 Posters
Calling all interested and passionate artists to consider submitting suitable poster ideas for the Event planned this week. If you have a design in mind or would like to volunteer to work with others, please contact us. Designs can be in black and white and formatted to fit an 8.5X11 page.
EVENT: Democracy Jam -- Music made from 100% real democracy
Along with the Saturday Family Day activities, everyone is invited to participate in a Democracy Jam session! (12 p.m - 6 p.m at Harbourside Park Saturday Oct 29)
OccupyDesign + signs/posters/visuals
There's a great website called Occupy Design that makes available for download protest signs, logistical signs, infographics, and icons.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Press Release: Family Day Oct 29th, 2011
For Immediate Release: 28 October 2011
ST. JOHN’S, NL – The daily Occupy NL General Assemblies have voted to promote Saturdays as Family Day. Weather-permitting, each Saturday afternoon the public is invited to come down to Harbourside Park and enjoy face painting, crafts, and music. People are invited to bring “anything fun” to share, such as sidewalk chalk, hula hoops, puppets, instruments, and more. This week costumes are encouraged!
Omnibus crime bill C-10 information roundup
Since our Kill the Bill event is fast approaching (November 4th!), I thought it would be helpful to round up some more background information.
To start with -- the bill itself, the Government Press Release, and the Department of Justice Backgrounder.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Location for tonight's General Assembly
Tonight's General Assembly will be held at 8 PM at 18 Quebec Street. Everyone's welcome. Call 237-4183 after 3 PM for any questions. See you there!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Mad Lurv to the Sanely Worded
Scott Bartlett of on Occupy Newfoundland and Labrador, week one.
If anyone else has a blog they would like included on the Links here, please leave a comment below with the address information.
Family Day Continues

Following a decision of the General Assembly, "Family Day" will be an ongoing event every Saturday at Harbourside Park. Please feel free to download a copy of the poster and distribute it as you see fit.
Other ongoing initiatives include the "Open The House" campaign as well as public education on the C-10 Bill.
Bill C-10
The General Assembly has decided to stand in solidarity with other Occupy groups nationwide to take action against the Omnibus Crime Bill C-10. To that end OccupyNL has planned an event for Friday, November 4th.
General Assembly for Wednesday
The General Assembly for 8PM Wednesday evening is being held at 40 St. Michael's Avenue in St. John's. These meetings are open to the general public.
Updates on meeting locations, times, and other general information is also now available via telephone; please call the Solidarity Line on the Contacts page.
#occupy Newfoundland and Labrador in solidarity with #occupy Oakland
Seems like the mayor of Oakland didn't get the memo.
The use of force won't make this movement go away.
The use of force won't make this movement go away.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Thomas speaking at #Occupy Newfoundland and Labrador march on Confederation Building
#Newfoundland and Labrador Labour Federation president Lana Payne at #Occupy march on Confederation Building
FFAW President Earle McCurdy in solidarity with #occupy newfoundland and labrador
Lorraine Michael says provincial NDP support #occupy newfoundland
Sunday, October 23, 2011
An IRC but a Goodie
Browsing the Reddit Stream, I encountered this particular item:
If anyone is unsure about how to use an IRC channel, never fear - there are plenty of ways to access one via a web-interface, and for the truly intrepid, there are standalone clients like mIRC.
I've just set up an IRC channel for us on the server, the channel is #occupynl I'd encourage anyone that spends any amount of time on a computer to stop by and chat sometime!
If anyone is unsure about how to use an IRC channel, never fear - there are plenty of ways to access one via a web-interface, and for the truly intrepid, there are standalone clients like mIRC.
Monday on the Move
After a simply splendid weekend, Occupy Newfoundland is again on the move. So if you've been waiting for a chance to show your support and join with us, perhaps this is your time!
Following a resolution passed at the General Assembly on Wednesday, October 19th, the various standing committees and volunteers have organized a march upon Confederation Hill for Monday the 24th. Members of the public in St. John's and surrounding areas who support the Occupy Movement worldwide are encouraged to join with the community gathering at Harbourside Park by 11 AM on Monday morning. The group will be leaving to join up with other supporters at MUN and the Holiday Inn, arriving at the Confederation Building by 12:30 PM.
The route through the downtown core will take us past the banking district, then heading up and over Carter's Hill. The forecast is currently favorable, but please come prepared for the season. We will also be taking a collection of non-perishable food items for the local food-sharing association.
An Open Letter to Premier Kathy Dunderdale
Dear Premier Dunderdale,
On behalf of the Occupy NL group, we would like to formally invite you to join us in our peaceful assembly outside of the Confederation Building over the lunch-hour on Monday, Oct 24th. We are being joined by members of the Federation of Labour and concerned students from Memorial University.
We feel strongly that the House should resume sitting as soon as possible. We agree that the House as it currently functions is not conducive to effective government or constructive debate, so let's fix it! We are interested in engaging in the process of making it more effective, so it can truly serve the needs of our citizens. If you share our passion, join us!
Occupy NL
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